@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
import * as cluster from 'cluster';
import * as net from 'net';
import * as NodeRtmpSession from '../node_modules/node-media-server/node_rtmp_session';
import * as logger from '../node_modules/node-media-server/node_core_logger';
import * as dirty from "dirty";
import { mkdir, fstat, access } from "fs";
import * as strf from "strftime";
import * as ctx from '../node_modules/node-media-server/node_core_ctx';
import * as db from "./database";
import {config} from "./config";
import * as isPortAvailable from "is-port-available";
const sleep = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
const { exec, execFile } = require('child_process');
const keystore = dirty();
const num_processes = require('os').cpus().length;
const workerMap = {};
if (cluster.isMaster) {
//master logic
//store workers in here
var workers = [];
// Helper function for spawning worker at index 'i'.
var spawn = function(i) {
workers[i] = cluster.fork();
workers[i].on('message', (msg) => {
handleMsgMaster(msg, i)
// Restart worker on exit
workers[i].on('exit', function(code, signal) {
console.log('[RTMP Cluster MASTER] Respawning Worker', i);
// Spawn initial workers
for (var i = 0; i < num_processes; i++) {
var nextWorker: number = 0;
//TODO assign incoming connections correctly
var server = net.createServer({ pauseOnConnect: true }, function(connection) {
if(nextWorker >= workers.length) nextWorker = 0;
var worker = workers[nextWorker];
worker.send('rtmp-session:connection', connection); //send connection to worker
console.log('[RTMP Cluster MASTER] Master Ready.');
} else {
//worker logic
//we need our own database pool since we can't share memory anyone else
const rtmpcfg = {
logType: 0,
rtmp: Object.assign({port: 1936}, config['rtmp'])
//find a unique port to listen on
getPort().then((wPort) => {
// creating the rtmp server
var serv = net.createServer((socket) => {
let session = new NodeRtmpSession(rtmpcfg, socket);
// RTMP Server Logic
newRTMPListener('postPublish', (id, StreamPath, args) =>{
console.log(`[RTMP Cluster WORKER ${process.pid}] Publish Hook for stream: ${id}`);
let session = getRTMPSession(id);
let app: string = StreamPath.split("/")[1];
let key: string = StreamPath.split("/")[2];
//disallow urls not formatted exactly right
if (StreamPath.split("/").length !== 3 || key.includes(' ')){
console.log(`[RTMP Cluster WORKER ${process.pid}] Malformed URL, closing connection for stream: ${id}`);
return false;
if(app !== config['media']['privateEndpoint']){
//app isn't at public endpoint if we've reached this point
console.log(`[RTMP Cluster WORKER ${process.pid}] Wrong endpoint, rejecting stream: ${id}`);
return false;
//if the url is formatted correctly and the user is streaming to the correct private endpoint
//grab the username from the database and redirect the stream there if the key is valid
//otherwise kill the session
db.query('select username,record_flag from users where stream_key='+db.raw.escape(key)+' limit 1').then(async (results) => {
//transcode to mpd after making sure directory exists
keystore[results[0].username] = key;
mkdir(config['http']['directory']+'/'+config['media']['publicEndpoint']+'/'+results[0].username, { recursive : true }, ()=>{;});
if(session.audioCodec !== 0 && session.videoCodec !== 0){
transCommand(results[0].username, key, wPort).then((r) => {
execFile(config['media']['ffmpeg'], r, {maxBuffer: Infinity}, (err, stdout, stderr) => {
await sleep(300);
if(results[0].record_flag && config['media']['record']){
console.log(`[RTMP Cluster WORKER ${process.pid}] Initiating recording for stream: ${id}`);
mkdir(config['http']['directory']+'/'+config['media']['publicEndpoint']+'/'+results[0].username, { recursive : true }, (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
execFile(config['media']['ffmpeg'], ['-loglevel', 'fatal', '-i', 'rtmp://'+wPort+'/'+config['media']['privateEndpoint']+'/'+key, '-vcodec', 'copy', '-acodec', 'copy', config['http']['directory']+'/'+config['media']['publicEndpoint']+'/'+results[0].username+'/'+strf('%d%b%Y-%H%M')+'.mp4'], {
detached : true,
stdio : 'inherit',
maxBuffer: Infinity
//spawn an ffmpeg process to record the stream, then detach it completely
//ffmpeg can then (probably) finalize the recording if satyr crashes mid-stream
else {
console.log(`[RTMP Cluster WORKER ${process.pid}] Skipping recording for stream: ${id}`);
db.query('update user_meta set live=true where username=\''+results[0].username+'\' limit 1');
db.query('SELECT twitch_key,enabled from twitch_mirror where username='+db.raw.escape(results[0].username)+' limit 1').then(async (tm) => {
if(!tm[0]['enabled'] || !config['twitch_mirror']['enabled'] || !config['twitch_mirror']['ingest']) return;
console.log('[NodeMediaServer] Mirroring to twitch for stream:',id)
execFile(config['media']['ffmpeg'], ['-loglevel', 'fatal', '-i', 'rtmp://'+wPort+'/'+config['media']['privateEndpoint']+'/'+key, '-vcodec', 'copy', '-acodec', 'copy', '-f', 'flv', config['twitch_mirror']['ingest']+tm[0]['twitch_key']], {
detached: true,
stdio : 'inherit',
maxBuffer: Infinity
console.log('[NodeMediaServer] Stream key ok for stream:',id);
console.log(`[RTMP Cluster WORKER ${process.pid}] Stream key ok for stream: ${id}`);
//notify master process that we're handling the stream for this user
process.send({type: 'handle-publish', name:results[0].username});
console.log(`[RTMP Cluster WORKER ${process.pid}] Invalid stream key for stream: ${id}`);
newRTMPListener('donePublish', (id, StreamPath, args) => {
let app: string = StreamPath.split("/")[1];
let key: string = StreamPath.split("/")[2];
if(app === config['media']['privateEndpoint']) {
db.query('update user_meta,users set user_meta.live=false where users.stream_key='+db.raw.escape(key));
db.query('select username from users where stream_key='+db.raw.escape(key)+' limit 1').then(async (results) => {
if(results[0]) keystore.rm(results[0].username);
//notify master process that we're no longer handling the stream for this user
process.send({type: 'handle-publish-done', name:results[0].username});
newRTMPListener('prePlay', (id, StreamPath, args) => {
let session = getRTMPSession(id);
let app: string = StreamPath.split("/")[1];
let key: string = StreamPath.split("/")[2];
//correctly formatted urls again
if (StreamPath.split("/").length !== 3){
console.log("[NodeMediaServer] Malformed URL, closing connection for stream:",id);
return false;
//localhost can play from whatever endpoint
//other clients must use private endpoint
if(app !== config['media']['publicEndpoint'] && !session.isLocal) {
console.log("[NodeMediaServer] Non-local Play from private endpoint, rejecting client:",id);
return false;
//rewrite playpath to private endpoint serverside
if(app === config['media']['publicEndpoint']) {
session.playStreamPath = '/'+config['media']['privateEndpoint']+'/'+keystore[key];
return true;
//here the client is asking for a valid stream that we don't have
//so we are going to ask the master process for it
else session.reject();
//recieve messages from master
process.on('message', function(message, connection) {
if (message === 'rtmp-session:connection') {
// Emulate a connection event on the server by emitting the
// event with the connection the master sent us.
serv.emit('connection', connection);
if(message['type'] === 'stream-request:h') {
console.log(`[RTMP Cluster WORKER ${process.pid}] Worker Ready.`);
function newRTMPListener(eventName, listener) {
ctx.nodeEvent.on(eventName, listener);
function getRTMPSession(id) {
return ctx.sessions.get(id);
async function getPort(): Promise<number>{
let port = 1936+process.pid;
let i=0;
if(await isPortAvailable(port+i)){
port += i;
return port;
async function transCommand(user: string, key: string, wPort): Promise<string[]>{
let args: string[] = ['-loglevel', 'fatal', '-y'];
if(config['transcode']['inputflags'] !== null && config['transcode']['inputflags'] !== "") args = args.concat(config['transcode']['inputflags'].split(" "));
args = args.concat(['-i', 'rtmp://'+wPort+'/'+config['media']['privateEndpoint']+'/'+key, '-movflags', '+faststart']);
if(config['transcode']['adaptive']===true && config['transcode']['variants'] > 1) {
for(let i=0;i<config['transcode']['variants'];i++){
args = args.concat(['-map', '0:2']);
args = args.concat(['-map', '0:1', '-c:a', 'aac', '-c:v:0', 'libx264']);
for(let i=1;i<config['transcode']['variants'];i++){
args = args.concat(['-c:v:'+i, 'libx264',]);
for(let i=1;i<config['transcode']['variants'];i++){
let crf: number = Math.floor(18 + (i * 8)) > 51 ? 51 : Math.floor(18 + (i * 7));
args = args.concat(['-crf:'+i, ''+crf]);
for(let i=1;i<config['transcode']['variants'];i++){
let bv: number = Math.floor((5000 / config['transcode']['variants']) * (config['transcode']['variants'] - i));
args = args.concat(['-b:v:'+i, ''+bv]);
else {
args = args.concat(['-c:a', 'aac', '-c:v', 'libx264']);
args = args.concat(['-preset', 'veryfast', '-tune', 'zerolatency']);
//if(config['transcode']['format'] === 'dash')
args = args.concat(['-remove_at_exit', '1', '-seg_duration', '1', '-window_size', '30']);
if(config['transcode']['outputflags'] !== null && config['transcode']['outputflags'] !== "") args = args.concat(config['transcode']['outputflags'].split(" "));
args = args.concat(['-f', 'dash', config['http']['directory']+'/'+config['media']['publicEndpoint']+'/'+user+'/index.mpd']);
//else if(config['transcode']['format'] === 'hls')
//args = args.concat(['-remove_at_exit', '1', '-hls_time', '1', '-hls_list_size', '30', '-f', 'hls', config['http']['directory']+'/'+config['media']['publicEndpoint']+'/'+user+'/index.m3u8']);
return args;
function handleMsgMaster(msg, index) {
if(msg['type'] === 'handle-publish'){
workerMap[msg['name']] = index;
if(nextWorker >= workers.length) nextWorker = 0;
if(msg['type'] === 'handle-publish-done'){
workerMap[msg['name']] = undefined;
if(msg['type'] === 'stream-request:h'){
if(workerMap[msg['key']] !== undefined){
workers[index].send({type: 'stream-request:h', id: msg['id'], key: msg['key'], available: true});
else {
workers[index].send({type: 'stream-request:h', id: msg['id'], key: msg['key'], available: false});