Instead of redirecting with FFMPEG, change client streamPath to the privateEndpoint/StreamKey
Hopefully this is silent, because if it isn't it's leaking the stream key to every client.
Change scripts to automatically build before serving
Move typescript to dependencies
Check if the stream is ready to transcode to MPEG-DASH programmatically instead of waiting for 5 seconds
Use session.isLocal instead of matching session.ip against some strings
(session.isLocal does that internally but at least this way looks prettier)
Change config to reflect that
ffmpeg processes cleanup after themselves even on SIGINT now, cleanup.ts only cleans the database now
Adaptive livestreaming!
Filled out API for user management
Proper escaping of user input for SQL queries (stream keys aren't user input)
Filled out frontend with profile management, vods, etc.
I don't remember there's probably more, fuck.
Added setup script for database.
Added database.ts to create and manage a pool of connections. Possibly abstracting query logic in the future.
Updated controller to instantiate database.ts.