## Installing Satyr A more detailed walkthrough. ### System Dependencies Install ffmpeg and mysql through your distribution's package manager. See [this page](https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/) for instructions on install node. Compatible versions are >=10. Nightly builds may fail to compile some of the native addons. ### Installing Satyr Clone the repository and change to the directory ```bash git clone https://gitlab.com/knotteye/satyr.git cd satyr ``` Install nodejs dependencies ```bash npm install ``` Run the setup script to generate a config file and database setup. ```bash npm run setup ``` Look over the generated config file in config/generated.toml, and move it to config/local.toml when you're satisfied. Run the setup script for the database. ```bash sudo mysql source install/db_setup.sql; ``` Compile the code and start the server. ```bash npm run build npm start ``` It is reccomended that you run Satyr behind a TLS terminating reverse proxy, like nginx. An example systemd service is provided at install/satyr.service. It assumes you've installed satyr into /opt/satyr, and created a satyr user with the home directory /var/lib/satyr for the purpose of running the service. ## Updating Satyr Updating should be as simple as pulling the latest code and dependencies, then building and restarting the server. ```bash git pull npm i npm run build ``` Then restart the server. ## Migrating Satyr To backup and restore, you will need to export the mysqlDB. Restore the new database from the backup, then copy the config/local.toml file and the site directory to the new install.