import * as NodeMediaServer from "node-media-server"; import * as dirty from "dirty"; import { mkdir, fstat, access } from "fs"; import * as strf from "strftime"; import * as db from "./database"; import {config} from "./config"; const sleep = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); const { exec, execFile } = require('child_process'); const keystore = dirty(); function init () { const nms = new NodeMediaServer({logType: 0,rtmp: config['rtmp']});; nms.on('postPublish', (id, StreamPath, args) => { console.log("[NodeMediaServer] Publish Hook for stream:",id); let session = nms.getSession(id); let app: string = StreamPath.split("/")[1]; let key: string = StreamPath.split("/")[2]; //disallow urls not formatted exactly right if (StreamPath.split("/").length !== 3 || key.includes(' ')){ console.log("[NodeMediaServer] Malformed URL, closing connection for stream:",id); session.reject(); return false; } if(app !== config['media']['privateEndpoint']){ //app isn't at public endpoint if we've reached this point console.log("[NodeMediaServer] Wrong endpoint, rejecting stream:",id); session.reject(); return false; } //if the url is formatted correctly and the user is streaming to the correct private endpoint //grab the username from the database and redirect the stream there if the key is valid //otherwise kill the session db.query('select username,record_flag from users where stream_key='+db.raw.escape(key)+' limit 1').then(async (results) => { if(results[0]){ //transcode to mpd after making sure directory exists keystore[results[0].username] = key; mkdir(config['http']['directory']+'/'+config['media']['publicEndpoint']+'/'+results[0].username, { recursive : true }, ()=>{;}); while(true){ if(session.audioCodec !== 0 && session.videoCodec !== 0){ transCommand(results[0].username, key).then((r) => { execFile(config['media']['ffmpeg'], r, {maxBuffer: Infinity}, (err, stdout, stderr) => {}); }); break; } await sleep(300); } if(results[0].record_flag && config['media']['record']){ console.log('[NodeMediaServer] Initiating recording for stream:',id); mkdir(config['http']['directory']+'/'+config['media']['publicEndpoint']+'/'+results[0].username, { recursive : true }, (err) => { if (err) throw err; execFile(config['media']['ffmpeg'], ['-loglevel', 'fatal', '-i', 'rtmp://'+config['rtmp']['port']+'/'+config['media']['privateEndpoint']+'/'+key, '-vcodec', 'copy', '-acodec', 'copy', config['http']['directory']+'/'+config['media']['publicEndpoint']+'/'+results[0].username+'/'+strf('%d%b%Y-%H%M')+'.mp4'], { detached : true, stdio : 'inherit', maxBuffer: Infinity }).unref(); //spawn an ffmpeg process to record the stream, then detach it completely //ffmpeg can then (probably) finalize the recording if satyr crashes mid-stream }); } else { console.log('[NodeMediaServer] Skipping recording for stream:',id); } db.query('update user_meta set live=true where username=\''+results[0].username+'\' limit 1'); console.log('[NodeMediaServer] Stream key ok for stream:',id); } else{ console.log('[NodeMediaServer] Invalid stream key for stream:',id); session.reject(); } }); }); nms.on('donePublish', (id, StreamPath, args) => { let app: string = StreamPath.split("/")[1]; let key: string = StreamPath.split("/")[2]; if(app === config['media']['privateEndpoint']) { db.query('update user_meta,users set where users.stream_key='+db.raw.escape(key)); db.query('select username from users where stream_key='+db.raw.escape(key)+' limit 1').then(async (results) => { if(results[0]) keystore.rm(results[0].username); }); } }); nms.on('prePlay', (id, StreamPath, args) => { let session = nms.getSession(id); let app: string = StreamPath.split("/")[1]; let key: string = StreamPath.split("/")[2]; //correctly formatted urls again if (StreamPath.split("/").length !== 3){ console.log("[NodeMediaServer] Malformed URL, closing connection for stream:",id); session.reject(); return false; } //localhost can play from whatever endpoint //other clients must use private endpoint if(app !== config['media']['publicEndpoint'] && !session.isLocal) { console.log("[NodeMediaServer] Non-local Play from private endpoint, rejecting client:",id); session.reject(); return false; } //rewrite playpath to private endpoint serverside //(hopefully) if(app === config['media']['publicEndpoint']) { if(keystore[key]){ session.playStreamPath = '/'+config['media']['privateEndpoint']+'/'+keystore[key]; return true; } } }); } async function transCommand(user: string, key: string): Promise{ let args: string[] = [/*'-loglevel', 'fatal',*/ '-y', '-i', 'rtmp://'+config['rtmp']['port']+'/'+config['media']['privateEndpoint']+'/'+key]; if(config['transcode']['adaptive']===true && config['transcode']['variants'] > 1) { for(let i=0;i 51 ? 51 : Math.floor(18 + (i * 7)); args = args.concat(['-crf:'+i, ''+crf]); } for(let i=1;i