import * as express from "express"; import * as njk from "nunjucks"; import * as bodyparser from "body-parser"; import * as socketio from ""; import * as http from "http"; import * as cookies from "cookie-parser"; import * as dirty from "dirty"; import * as socketSpam from "socket-anti-spam"; import * as api from "./api"; import * as db from "./database"; import { config } from "./config"; import { readdir, readFileSync, writeFileSync } from "fs"; import { JWT, JWK } from "jose"; import { strict } from "assert"; import { parse } from "path"; import { isBuffer } from "util"; const app = express(); const server = http.createServer(app); const io = socketio(server); const store = dirty(); var banlist; var jwkey; try{ jwkey = JWK.asKey(readFileSync('./config/jwt.pem')); console.log('Found key for JWT signing.'); } catch (e) { console.log("No key found for JWT signing, generating one now."); jwkey = JWK.generateSync('RSA', 2048, { use: 'sig' }); writeFileSync('./config/jwt.pem', jwkey.toPEM(true)); } var njkconf; async function init(){ njk.configure('templates', { autoescape : true, express : app, watch : false }); njkconf = { sitename: config['satyr']['name'], domain: config['satyr']['domain'], email: config['satyr']['email'], rootredirect: config['satyr']['rootredirect'], version: config['satyr']['version'] }; app.use(cookies()); app.use(bodyparser.json()); app.use(bodyparser.urlencoded({ extended: true })); if(config['http']['hsts']){ app.use((req, res, next) => { res.append('Strict-Transport-Security', 'max-age=5184000'); next(); }); } app.disable('x-powered-by'); //site handlers await initSite(config['satyr']['registration']); //api handlers await initAPI(); //static files if nothing else matches first app.use(express.static(config['http']['directory'])); //404 Handler app.use(function (req, res, next) { if(tryDecode(req.cookies.Authorization)) { res.status(404).render('404.njk', Object.assign({auth: {is: true, name: JWT.decode(req.cookies.Authorization)['username']}}, njkconf)); } else res.status(404).render('404.njk', njkconf); //res.status(404).render('404.njk', njkconf); }); banlist = new dirty('./config/bans.db').on('load', () => {initChat()}); server.listen(config['http']['port']); } async function newNick(socket, skip?: boolean, i?: number) { if(socket.handshake.headers['cookie'] && !skip){ let c = await parseCookie(socket.handshake.headers['cookie']); let t = await validToken(c['Authorization']); if(t) { store.set(t['username'], [].concat(store.get(t['username']), => item !== undefined)); return t['username']; } } if(!i) i = 10; let n: string = 'Guest'+Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(i)); if(store.get(n)) return newNick(socket, true, Math.floor(i * 10)); else { store.set(n,; return n; } } async function chgNick(socket, nick, f?: boolean) { let rooms = Object.keys(socket.rooms); for(let i=1;i item !==; else store.rm(socket.nick); } if(f) store.set(nick, [].concat(store.get(nick), []).filter(item => item !== undefined)); else store.set(nick,; socket.nick = nick; } async function genToken(u: string){ return await JWT.sign({ username: u }, jwkey, { expiresIn: '1 week', iat: true, kid: false });//set jwt } async function validToken(t: any){ try { let token = JWT.verify(t, jwkey); return token; } catch (err){ return false; } } function tryDecode(t: any){ try { return JWT.decode(t); } catch (err){ return false; } } async function parseCookie(c){ if(typeof(c) !== 'string' || !c.includes('=')) return {}; return Object.assign({[c.split('=')[0].trim()]:c.split('=')[1].split(';')[0].trim()}, await parseCookie(c.split(/;(.+)/)[1])); } async function initAPI() { app.get('/api/users/live', (req, res) => { db.query('select username,title from user_meta where live=1 limit 10;').then((result) => { res.send(result); }); }); app.get('/api/users/live/:num', (req, res) => { if(req.params.num > 50) req.params.num = 50; db.query('select username,title from user_meta where live=1 limit '+req.params.num+';').then((result) => { res.send(result); }); });'/api/register', (req, res) => { api.register(req.body.username, req.body.password, req.body.confirm).then( (result) => { if(result[0]) return genToken(req.body.username).then((t) => { res.cookie('Authorization', t, {maxAge: 604800000, httpOnly: true, sameSite: 'Lax'}); res.send(result); return; }); res.send(result); }); });'/api/user/update', (req, res) => { validToken(req.cookies.Authorization).then((t) => { if(t) { return api.update({name: t['username'], title: "title" in req.body ? req.body.title : false, bio: "bio" in req.body ? : false, rec: "record" in req.body ? req.body.record : "NA" }).then((r) => { res.send(r); return; }); } else { res.send('{"error":"invalid token"}'); return; } }); /*api.update(req.body.username, req.body.password, req.body.title,, req.body.record).then((result) => { res.send(result); });*/ });'/api/user/password', (req, res) => { validToken(req.cookies.Authorization).then((t) => { if(t) { return api.changepwd(t['username'], req.body.password, req.body.newpassword).then((r) => { res.send(r); return; }); } else { res.send('{"error":"invalid token"}'); return; } }); });'/api/user/streamkey', (req, res) => { validToken(req.cookies.Authorization).then((t) => { if(t) { api.changesk(t['username']).then((r) => { res.send(r); }); } else { res.send('{"error":"invalid token"}'); } }); });'/api/login', (req, res) => { if(req.cookies.Authorization) validToken(req.cookies.Authorization).then((t) => { if(t) { if(t['exp'] - 86400 < Math.floor( / 1000)){ return genToken(t['username']).then((t) => { res.cookie('Authorization', t, {maxAge: 604800000, httpOnly: true, sameSite: 'Lax'}); res.send('{"success":""}'); return; }); } else { res.send('{"success":"already verified"}'); return; } } else { res.send('{"error":"invalid token"}'); return; } }); else { api.login(req.body.username, req.body.password).then((result) => { if(!result){ genToken(req.body.username).then((t) => { res.cookie('Authorization', t, {maxAge: 604800000, httpOnly: true, sameSite: 'Lax'}); res.send('{"success":""}'); }) } else { res.send(result); } }); } }) } async function initSite(openReg) { app.get('/', (req, res) => { res.redirect(njkconf.rootredirect); }); app.get('/about', (req, res) => { if(tryDecode(req.cookies.Authorization)) { res.render('about.njk', Object.assign({auth: {is: true, name: JWT.decode(req.cookies.Authorization)['username']}}, njkconf)); } else res.render('about.njk',njkconf); }); app.get('/users', (req, res) => { db.query('select username from users').then((result) => { if(tryDecode(req.cookies.Authorization)) { res.render('list.njk', Object.assign({list: result}, {auth: {is: true, name: JWT.decode(req.cookies.Authorization)['username']}}, njkconf)); } else res.render('list.njk', Object.assign({list: result}, njkconf)); //res.render('list.njk', Object.assign({list: result}, njkconf)); }); }); app.get('/users/live', (req, res) => { db.query('select username,title from user_meta where live=1;').then((result) => { if(tryDecode(req.cookies.Authorization)) { res.render('live.njk', Object.assign({list: result}, {auth: {is: true, name: JWT.decode(req.cookies.Authorization)['username']}}, njkconf)); } else res.render('live.njk', Object.assign({list: result}, njkconf)); //res.render('live.njk', Object.assign({list: result}, njkconf)); }); }); app.get('/users/:user', (req, res) => { db.query('select username,title,about from user_meta where username='+db.raw.escape(req.params.user)).then((result) => { if(result[0]){ if(tryDecode(req.cookies.Authorization)) { res.render('user.njk', Object.assign(result[0], {auth: {is: true, name: JWT.decode(req.cookies.Authorization)['username']}}, njkconf)); } else res.render('user.njk', Object.assign(result[0], njkconf)); //res.render('user.njk', Object.assign(result[0], njkconf)); } else if(tryDecode(req.cookies.Authorization)) { res.status(404).render('404.njk', Object.assign({auth: {is: true, name: JWT.decode(req.cookies.Authorization)['username']}}, njkconf)); } else res.status(404).render('404.njk', njkconf); }); }); app.get('/vods/:user', (req, res) => { db.query('select username from user_meta where username='+db.raw.escape(req.params.user)).then((result) => { if(result[0]){ readdir('./site/live/'+result[0].username, {withFileTypes: true} , (err, files) => { if(tryDecode(req.cookies.Authorization)) { res.render('vods.njk', Object.assign({user: result[0].username, list: files.filter(fn =>'.mp4'))}, {auth: {is: true, name: JWT.decode(req.cookies.Authorization)['username']}}, njkconf)); } else res.render('vods.njk', Object.assign({user: result[0].username, list: files.filter(fn =>'.mp4'))}, njkconf)); //res.render('vods.njk', Object.assign({user: result[0].username, list: files.filter(fn =>'.mp4'))}, njkconf)); }); } else if(tryDecode(req.cookies.Authorization)) { res.status(404).render('404.njk', Object.assign({auth: {is: true, name: JWT.decode(req.cookies.Authorization)['username']}}, njkconf)); } else res.status(404).render('404.njk', njkconf); }); }); app.get('/login', (req, res) => { if(tryDecode(req.cookies.Authorization)) { res.redirect('/profile'); } else res.render('login.njk',njkconf); }); app.get('/register', (req, res) => { if(tryDecode(req.cookies.Authorization) || !openReg) { res.redirect(njkconf.rootredirect); } else res.render('registration.njk',njkconf); }); app.get('/profile', (req, res) => { if(tryDecode(req.cookies.Authorization)) { res.render('profile.njk', Object.assign({auth: {is: true, name: JWT.decode(req.cookies.Authorization)['username']}}, njkconf)); } else res.redirect('/login'); }); app.get('/changepwd', (req, res) => { if(tryDecode(req.cookies.Authorization)) { res.render('changepwd.njk', Object.assign({auth: {is: true, name: JWT.decode(req.cookies.Authorization)['username']}}, njkconf)); } else res.redirect('/login'); }); app.get('/chat', (req, res) => { res.render('chat.html', njkconf); }); app.get('/help', (req, res) => { if(tryDecode(req.cookies.Authorization)) { res.render('help.njk', Object.assign({auth: {is: true, name: JWT.decode(req.cookies.Authorization)['username']}}, njkconf)); } else res.render('help.njk',njkconf); }); } async function initChat() { //set a cookie to request same nick // chat logic io.on('connection', async (socket) => { socket.nick = await newNick(socket); socket.on('JOINROOM', async (data) => { let t: any = await db.query('select username from users where username='+db.raw.escape(data)); if(t[0]){ if(banlist.get(data) && banlist.get(data)[socket['handshake']['address']]){ if(Math.floor(banlist.get(data)[socket['handshake']['address']]['time'] + (banlist.get(data)[socket['handshake']['address']]['length'] * 60)) < Math.floor( / 1000)){ banlist.set(data, Object.assign({}, banlist.get(data), {[socket['handshake']['address']]: null})); } else { socket.emit('ALERT', 'You are banned from that room'); return; } } socket.join(data);'JOINED', {nick: socket.nick}); } else socket.emit('ALERT', 'Room does not exist'); }); socket.on('LIST', (data) => { let str = ""; let client;, clients) => { if(err) throw err; if(clients === []) { socket.emit('LIST', 'The room is empty.'); return; } for(let i=0;i { socket.leave(data);'LEFT', {nick: socket.nick}); }); socket.on('disconnecting', (reason) => { let rooms = Object.keys(socket.rooms); for(let i=1;i item !== if(store.get(socket.nick) !== []) return; } store.rm(socket.nick); }); socket.on('NICK', async (data) => { data.nick = data.nick.replace(' ',''); let user = await db.query('select username from users where username='+db.raw.escape(data.nick)); if(user[0]){ if(!data.password){ socket.emit('ALERT','Incorrect username or password'); return false; } if(await db.validatePassword(data.nick, data.password)){ chgNick(socket, data.nick, true); } else socket.emit('ALERT','Incorrect username or password'); } else { if(store.get(data.nick)){ socket.emit('ALERT', 'Nickname is already in use'); return false; } chgNick(socket, data.nick); } }); socket.on('MSG', (data) => { if(data.msg === "" || !data.msg.replace(/\s/g, '').length) return; if(socket.rooms[data['room']])'MSG', {nick: socket.nick, msg: data.msg}); }); socket.on('KICK', (data) => { if(socket.nick ==={ //find client with data.nick let id: string = store.get(data.nick); if(id){ if(Array.isArray(id)) { for(let i=0;i { if(socket.nick === data['room']){ let id: string = store.get(data['nick']); if(id){ if(Array.isArray(id)) { for(let i=0;i { if(socket.nick === data['room']){ if(banlist.get(data['room']) && banlist.get(data['room'])[data['ip']]){ banlist.set(data['room'], Object.assign({}, banlist.get(data['room']), {[data['ip']]: null})); socket.emit('ALERT', data['ip']+' was unbanned.'); } else socket.emit('ALERT', 'That IP is not banned.'); } else socket.emit('ALERT', 'Not authorized to do that.'); }); socket.on('LISTBAN', (data: Object) => { if(socket.nick === data['room']){ if(banlist.get(data['room'])) { let bans = Object.keys(banlist.get(data['room'])); let str = ''; for(let i=0;i { let rooms = Object.keys(socket.rooms); for(let i=1;i