## Satyr Usage ### Administration Satyr needs access to port 1935 for RTMP streams, and will serve HTTP on port 8000. The ports can be changed with follow config lines. ``` [server.http] port = 8000 [server.rtmp] port = 1935 ``` Changing the rtmp port is not recommended. For HTTPS, run a reverse proxy in front of satyr. An example nginx block is shown below. ``` server { port 80; port [::]80; server_name example.tld; return https://$server_name$request_uri 301; } server { port 443 ssl; port [::]443 ssl; server_name example.tld; ssl_trusted_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.tld/chain.pem; ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.tld/fullchain.pem; ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.tld/privkey.pem; location / { proxy_pass; } } ``` Users can be added from the command line even if registration is closed. Use the following syntax. ```bash npm run-script user -- --adduser kawen --password imkawen npm run-script user -- --rmuser lain ``` ### Users #### Accounts If registration is open, users can register at example.tld/registration, and set some options such as whether to record VODs and a stream title on /profile Stream keys can be changed at example.tld/changesk, and passwords at /changepwd #### Chat Chat is based on Socket.IO, and can be accessed through the webclient at /chat. Chatting and changing a nickname do not require authentication, but the usernames of streamers are reserved. The following commands are available: `/nick kawen (password)` Password is only required if kawen is a registered user. `/join kawen` Join the chatroom for kawen's stream and leave the previous room. `/kick lain` Available only in your own room if you are a streamer. Forcefully disconnect the user. `/ban lain (time)` Ban a user from your room. Bans are based on IP address. The optional time is in minutes. The default is 30. `/banlist` List the IPs currently banned from your room. `/unban (ip)` self explanatory #### Streaming Users should stream to rtmp://example.tld/stream/examplestreamkey The stream will be available at rtmp://example.tld/live/kawen and http://example.tld/live/kawen/index.m3u8 or .mpd if you've enabled DASH. (Enabling both HLS and DASH is not recommended for most use cases.) Most software, such as OBS, will have a separate field for the URL and stream key, in which case the user can enter rtmp://example.tld/stream/ and the stream key in the appropriate field.